Description of the BrailleDoodle- The BrailleDoodle is a device about a Laptop’s size made of hard dark blue plastic. There is a 2D array of hundreds of holes, placed tightly together, that covers the surface. Each hole contains a tiny metal element that can be pulled to the surface by a magnetic stylus and locked into place to create a touchable effect. The user erases a creation by pushing the elements back down with a satisfying “pop.” All pictures of the BrailleDoodle, contain a touchable drawing of a small house, a big letter H, and the word house in braille on the surface. The Braille sleeve can slide over the BrailleDoodle and now dozens of rectangular cutouts cover the surface. Each rectangle is now a braille cell. The 2 holes by 3 holes allow the learner to raise the metal bumps in different combinations to form words and sentences.  In some images, the Braille Sleeve is slid over the cover. The sleeve has 7 rows of 13 braille cells across. Different stencil-like covers can be used so a person could independently learn and practice braille. The learner could also be guided to learn shapes, graphs, and simple pictures. Each braille cell will be approximately the size of Jumbo Braille developed by Perkins. Jumbo Braille was developed for beginner braille learners and persons with reduced sensitivity in their fingers.  Each pin or dot will rise only enough to make a tactile effect. In Jumbo Braille that is less than 1mm in height and rounded 1.5mm thick. Dots are 2.5mm apart and 6.5mm between cells.

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